eResources Directory | For Libraries

An Unparalleled eResources Delivery and Management Solution for Libraries provides Libraries and their members/patrons with One-Click direct access to thousands of specialty resources from one central location - all displayed on one page, with no-scrolling.

Along with a Zero-Click Navigation/Browsing Feature, displaying detailed information for any resource without having to make a single click, this fully editable and tailored Directory can increase a Libraries eResources content range by 30, 50, or even 100 times, while at the same time being able to help dramatically reduce overall expenditure.

All available eResources have been peer-reviewed by Senior Academics

Add/Edit/Delete any amount of additional information or resources required.

Book a ‘Live’ Demonstration for yourself, or for a group of colleagues and see first-hand how powerful, efficient and simple, a LIBRARYeResources Information Directory really is.

For more details visit our Website